
How to Find the Right Professional Business Broker

The Ultimate Guide to Business Broker Marketing: How to Find the Right Professional Business Broker Introduction: Understanding Business Broker Marketing In today’s competitive marketplace, business owners looking to buy or sell a company need the expertise of a professional business broker. However, not all brokers are created equal, and...

Unleash Your Business from the Grip of The Passion Cycle™

Introduction Welcome to the dark side of entrepreneurship. We’re about to dive into a gritty reality that many small business owners face but rarely talk about. Brace yourself as we explore The Passion Cycle™ and how it can suck the life out of you and your business, leaving you...

How To Generate Wealth Through Acquisitions

When done right, acquisitions can be a great way to generate wealth. Acquiring businesses can be a smart way to create a liquidity event, allowing you to move money forward into larger and more lucrative opportunities. It can also be used as a strategy to buy out the competition...

Acquisitions – How to Generate Wealth through Business Ownership

Are you interested in generating wealth through acquisitions? Acquiring businesses can be a great way to generate wealth, whether you’re selling a business or buying one. When done correctly, it can create a liquidity event and move money forward by leveraging into larger paying opportunities. In addition, acquiring the...

Seller Carry: The ULTIMATE Deal Killer

Often, we find, as Business Brokers, buyers who wish to buy a business wish to have a large “seller carry” in order to fund the deal. A seller carry is simply put “the seller financing a portion of the sale over a long duration of time to offset the...

Entitled Incorporated, LLC

DBA- Narcissistic Millennials Each generation has a distaste for the next up and coming generation. The “Greatest Generation” criticized the Baby Boomers. The Baby Boomers scoffed at Generation X. The Boomers thought that the Generation X was living loose, defiant, with the grunge era and the cavalier attitude. The...

Getting the Damn Money

Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe—Oh to what bank should I go? This children’s rhyme is the adult version of deciding which players you want on your team when you go to sell your business or buy a business. Regardless of your position, a buyer or a seller, getting the money...

Biden’s Tax Hikes: Give to the Poor, and Punish the Rest

IT’S TIME TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS President Harris, I mean President Biden, plans on bringing in some of the highest tax increases in History. If that is not scary enough, he is proud of it and openly admits that he will raise the taxes more than any one president...


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