
When You Are Doing Well That’s The Time to Sell

Electricity is wonderful, isn’t it? The current that comes through our house can warm our water, cook our food, cool the house, and more. Without it where would we be?! We all know that electricity is great when it is used properly, but when it is not handled the...

Getting the Damn Money

Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe—Oh to what bank should I go? This children’s rhyme is the adult version of deciding which players you want on your team when you go to sell your business or buy a business. Regardless of your position, a buyer or a seller, getting the money...

Biden’s Tax Hikes: Give to the Poor, and Punish the Rest

IT’S TIME TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS President Harris, I mean President Biden, plans on bringing in some of the highest tax increases in History. If that is not scary enough, he is proud of it and openly admits that he will raise the taxes more than any one president...

Buying or Selling a Business in 2021

2020 was one hell of a year. People are looking to 2021 as if viruses or national and world events pay attention to a calendar. Hopeful of a new year is one thing but with the political upheaval and coronavirus, hope is in short supply. And if it were...

3 Reasons We Might Not List Your Business

We are always adding to our inventory of listings because we want to give buyers as many choices as possible. They want to know they have several great opportunities to choose from. But that doesn’t mean we sell every business that comes our way. Sometimes we do not list...

First Impressions: A MUST for Selling Your Business

Working with buyers If you are selling your business, the best advice available on the subject of buyer relations is to exercise patience and understanding. If the relationship between a buyer and seller gets sideways, the deal may be doomed. The transaction may still close, but continued animosity could...

Closing Process: Reaping the Benefits

Closing The closing is the best part of the business acquisition process. You get paid and the complex, sometimes emotional process ends. If highly trained professionals handle it, the process is seamless and quick. If your team is skilled in the arena, they can deal with emotions at the...

I’m Not Ready to Sell My Business Yet

A competent business owner should always have an exit strategy when it comes to his business. Unless you are going to pass the business to a family member or eventually close the business, there will come a time when you will sell. Increase cash flow When time comes, cash...


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