
Step UP to Entrepreneurship by Buying an Existing Business

Step UP to Entrepreneurship by Buying an Existing Business

entrepreneur-593352_640You have made the decision to control your financial future by purchasing a business. Owning a business is the greatest way to build wealth and take charge of your own destiny.

The best way to begin is to meet a representative of Peterson Acquisitions in person, but if that’s impossible, we can also do business by phone and email. We gather necessary information about you and establish a profile of your skills, experiences, financial capabilities and your personal goals. This aids in determining the best types of business for you to pursue. Don’t be shy!

You won’t feel comfortable making a decision until you understand what it takes to buy a business. We will explain the process and help you understand the realities of the current marketplace. You will learn how to use online forms, to search the Internet for businesses, to read Business Listing Information sheets and read trade journals related to the business opportunities you want to pursue. If you need it, we will also help you understand basic business concepts and provide our invaluable resources and show you how to use them to the best of your ability.

Based on the information you give us, we will help you search for the right business for you. You’ll sign confidentiality agreements and receive detailed information on the business(es) that most interest you.  We’ll set up showings with the current business owner. We will refine your business search and visit opportunities until you decide on a business that meets your goals and capabilities. If you already have a specific type of business in mind, it will all be quicker.

We negotiate for you. We will help you draft a contingent offer on a business you would like to buy. A purchase and sales agreement will be presented to the seller with a deposit of good faith held in escrow to demonstrate your seriousness.

If there is financing involved with your application we’ll assist in getting what you need to present to the lender and we will guide you from the moment you obtain upfront monies, and stay with you until you’ve closed the deal.

Let us help you buy the business you want. We will do everything in our power to help you through making the decision and all the steps along the way.


Provide your name, email, and phone to start the process.


Provide your name, email, and phone to start the process.


Provide your name, email, and phone to start the process.

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