
The Best North Naples Business Broker
You'll Ever Meet

Sell Your Business &
Start Your Next
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Client Testimonials & Reviews

We are the highest rated business brokers in the country,
and were recently voted #1 business broker in the nation.

"...Chad always did exactly what he said he was going to do ..."

Dave Searls, Former Business Owner

"...he has a unique skillset in finding the right seller and the right buyer ..."

Art Fillmore, Business Transaction Attorney

"...I've met a lot of business brokers... no one's going to work harder for you than Chad ..."

Ryan Parshall, Former Agency Owner

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

– Mark Twain

North Naples Business Broker

Not Your Typical Milquetoast M&A Firm

Being an entrepreneur like you, Chad Peterson has been through the self employed trenches. Chad had humble beginnings. He was not born with a silver spoon and could have chosen to rely on excuses and failed. But, he chose what you did; to succeed.

Chad used his perseverance and determination to reach where he is today. He possesses the grit to boot strap himself through commercial airline piloting school, and then to a successful multi business entrepreneur.

He has built and sold several businesses in his own life. His unique background translates to real world application to help you sell your business successfully as a business owner.

You’ll find Peterson Acquisitions different than other North Naples Business Broker. We are tough; we are full of passion and drive. Furthermore, we are serious about selling businesses. We are not for everyone. We love to work with clients who are just as serious about selling their business as we are.

We come on strong, we keep our foot on the gas, and we don’t stop working until we get the job done. If that sounds like the kind of business broker you need fighting in your corner, schedule a confidential, no obligation discovery call right now.

What Happens if You Hire the Wrong North Naples Business Broker?

Choosing the Wrong Broker Can Cost You Time, Money & Embarassment

business broker near me

National Average: 11% - 25%

A True Story from Chad Peterson

About 2 years ago a man and his wife called me about selling their business. 

After analyzing their previous 3 years of tax returns, I calculated a market value and called her to let her know exactly what the business was worth in today’s market. I could tell you how the phone call went, but the bottom line is they didn’t agree with the valuation.

The Stakes Are High

After I informed them of the target valuation, they told me they would “get back to me”. I didn’t hear from them for almost 2 years…then they called me back.

“Chad can you help us? We hired a broker, and we have been at this for over a year and the business isn’t sold and we really need to sell it.”

I kindly asked “Why did you hire another broker?” She said “Because we thought that we could get more money and this broker told us that we should ask for more money as well.” I gave her very candid and frank advice, like we do with all our clients and told her that she made a huge mistake:  “If you go to the market with too high of a price tag the banks won’t finance the buyer. Not to mention the prospective buyers had no real value in buying your business because the debt service payment due to the bank is so high, the way your old business broker priced it out, the buyer would be paying an exorbitant amount of money to the bank loan in order to acquire your business. A good business broker should not have led you down that path!”

Choosing the Wrong North Naples Business Broker Hurts

The sellers in this true story, a husband and wife, are worn out and now they have even more health problems. On top of that, their poor selling strategy distracted them for over a year and took focus away from their business.  Sales and profits dropped as a result, making the business to be worth less than when they started the process…all because they chose the wrong business broker. 

We won’t let this happen to you, make Peterson Acquisitions part of your success strategy today.

Peterson Acquisitions Has An Industry-Leading 90% Closing Rate!

Our Services

Sell Your Business with Top-Rated Business Broker, Chad Peterson. Our resources allow us to find matches based on your business and the buyer’s interests.

We provide an accurate valuation of a business so that you can get the best possible selling price and talk with confidence during the negotiations.

If you are selling your business or preparing your business for sale, we will conduct an independent, honest, and thorough assessment for you.

Peterson Acquisitions can perform a business analysis for you that realistically evaluates the financial performance of your business.

We help you throughout the process of buying a business, including negotiations, “Due Diligence” and every step of the way through to the closing and transition.

Chad helps you understand the value of your business by providing a free consultation to prepare you to go to the market and get the best deal out there.

How Much is Your Business Worth Right Now?

Try our one-click ballpark business valuation

Recent Transactions

We've Worked with Businesses in Just About Every Industry


Bridge & Tower Drilling/Anchoring

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Utility Drilling & Boring Company

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HVAC Company

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Geo Drilling & Exploration Co

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Online Retail Parts Distributor

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Water Filtration Business

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Foundation Repair Contractor

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Restaurant Chain

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Web Design & Digital Marketing

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HVAC Installation & Repair

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Education & Tutoring Center

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Screen Print Manufacturer

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Ball Manufacturer

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Roofing & Siding Supply Company

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Online Directory & Information

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Commercial/Industrial Welding/Fabrication

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Digital Marketing Agency

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Windows & Siding Company

peterson acquisitions


Window Frame Manufacturer

peterson acquisitions


Window & Siding Contractor

peterson acquisitions

We Have a Large Pool of Hungry Buyers Standing By

Our Exclusive List of over 3,000 Buyers Are Waiting to Buy Your Business! 

voted #1 business broker

Working With Us Is Easy

We've Made the Process Simple & Pain-Free


Call Now or Click Below

Call (214) 699-7573 or contact us here.


We'll Discuss Your Situation, Timeline & Goals

Phone, email, text or meeting in person, we'll do whatever it takes


You'll Engage Us for Services

We'll formalize an agreement and it will be full-service from here on out with a level of professionlism and communication that will blow you away!



You now have peace of mind that your business was sold your way to the right buyer.

Your Local Peterson Acquisitions Business Broker in North Naples

Eric Jacobson - Peterson Acquisitions

Eric Represents the following communities for Peterson Acquisitions:


Frequently Asked Questions

When deciding on a business broker in North Naples to help sell your business, there are a lot of factors to consider such as experience, reputation, track record, and specialization in your industry or type of business.

Thousands of North Naples business owners have chosen Peterson Acquisitions to handle the sale of their businesses. Selling companies from 1 million dollars up to 100 million dollars, Peterson Acquisitions has earned recognition as the best business broker in North Naples.

We recommend you conduct thorough research, ask for referrals from trusted sources, and interview multiple brokers to find the best fit for you. Go for a business broker who has a reputation for being ethical, professional, honest, and trustworthy.

It is highly beneficial for small to medium-sized businesses to partner with a business broker who possesses in-depth expertise specific to your business location.

Many business owners within this size bracket get surprised to discover that their most suitable buyer may not necessarily be another business owner within the same industry. Instead, it could be a local high-net-worth individual, private equity firm, or capital group actively involved in your industry sector.

Working alongside a seasoned business broker who maintains current and extensive connections on the buy-side within these sectors can significantly enhance the pool of potential buyers ultimately driving the optimal transaction value for your business.

Peterson Acquisitions provides massive value by showing business owners REAL strategies to not only exit, but more importantly, strategies to build wealth after the sale occurs. Selling is just the beginning of wealth creation. Peterson Acquisitions is THE DIFFERENCE in the market.

Peterson Acquisitions uses strict Non-Disclosure Agreements and IT tech solutions to ensure confidentiality is held in the highest regard.

Yes, if you wan to sell your business, Peterson Acquisitions will only work on a strict exclusive contract basis.

Peterson Acquisitions sells companies from 1 million dollars up to 100 million dollars.

Peterson Acquisitions closes 90% of what we take on, and we close within 7 months, on average.

Here are the things you need to prepare:

  • 3 years of tax returns
  • 3 years of profit and loss statements
  • 3 years of balance sheets
  • Current year to date profit and loss statement

Peterson Acquisitions sets the standard in the industry for closing. A 90% close rate is what sets us apart from other brokers. In the Business Brokerage space: We are the DIFFERENCE.

Go to our website and fill out the form under Sell My Business. You will be contacted immediately.


Provide your name, email, and phone to start the process.


Provide your name, email, and phone to start the process.


Provide your name, email, and phone to start the process.

Please complete information on the next page as well. The information is necessary for your consultation.